Hazing Education Initiative


In our vision for a thriving community, Noles speak up! No student should be harmed or humiliated when finding their home away from home. Together, as proud Noles, we stand united in our dedication to a campus culture that values respect, support, and the well-being of each and every individual. We embrace hazing prevention as an ongoing process, not a one-time program, we envision a community of solidarity—a place where every voice contributes to the creation of a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all.


To inspire every member of the FSU community to be a champion of nonviolence, social justice, and advocacy.


The mission of our hazing prevention team is to enhance the quality and safety of student organizations by educating students on what hazing looks like and ways to report it. We do this through interactive presentations and intentional programming that empowers students to create newer, less harmful traditions. We also teach our students how to identify hazing tactics, strategies to challenge the norms, and ways to report hazing.


We envision an FSU community where hazing is not an expected part of joining any organization and when students encounter hazing of any kind, they are empowered to speak up against it and use their resources.




Hazing is proven to have long term effects on the mental, physical, and emotional health of students involved, and those effects trickle down onto their friends and family members. Our goal is to collect new and continuous data on our students' knowledge and attitudes about the policies around hazing to produce educational campaigns and programs. Using the Stages of Change Model, we provide education and foster discussions about decision making, student health, wellness and safety. The Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness (CHAW) uses a harm reduction approach. We produce evidence-based programs that will result in long-lasting behavioral change and improve students’ quality of life.



Effective Prevention Strategies

Effective prevention strategies address multiple levels and are based on the best available evidence, with emphasis on rigorous evaluation that measure changes in behavior. The primary principles for designing effective violence prevention interventions include:

  • Prevention-focused in addition to response-focused.
  • Comprehensive, addressing multiple types of violence, all campus constituents, and on and off-campus settings.
  • Planned and evaluated, using a systematic process to design, implement, and evaluate the initiative.
  • Strategic and targeted, addressing priority problems (and their risk and protective factors) identified through an assessment of local problems and assets.
  • Research-based, informed by current research literature and theory.
  • Multisectoral and collaborative, involving key campus stakeholders and disciplines.
  • Supported by infrastructure, institutional commitment, and systems.